We are sorry to see you go! If you want your account and information deleted, you can request deletion directly from within the app! Once you submit the request, an agent will process it and your account will be deleted. Follow these simple steps to complete your deletion request:
- From the Home page, select Profile from the bottom navigation menu
- Scroll down and on the bottom right of the screen select Delete My Account
- A pop-up window will appear with information to review regarding deleting accounts
- After you review the information, should you still wish to delete your account, select Request Deletion
Be advised that if you have an active policy we cannot delete your account. Additionally, if you ever bought a policy or received a quote from Goose, your information will remain in our system for 7 years from the date of the quote or the policy termination as per insurance regulatory requirements.
If you prefer, you may simply email the request to support@gooseinsurance.com or make the request by speaking with an agent at 888-374-6673 and we will process that for you!
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